Despite the existence of prevention protocols, pressure ulcers are still one of the most common hospital-acquired conditions
Pressure ulcer prevalence ranges between 7.3% and 23% in hospitals throughout Europe and North America
The Mönlycke Advantage Programme aims to give insights and training that may be needed to drive change and advance patient outcomes within your healthcare organisation. Check out the PU related professional education materials below and register:
Downloadable resources
Useful external links
Read more about Pressure Ulcers
Understand Pressure Ulcers, Its epidemiology, aetiology and the role of dressings in its prevention.

Mölnlycke® is a global market leader in providing solutions for pressure injury management and the Mepilex® Border Sacrum and Mepilex® Border Heel dressings are used by nurses worldwide, designed for treatment and optimised to prevent pressure injuries.
Introduction video